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Jane Wooster Scott   

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" Sunday in New England " by Jane Wooster Scott
Published by Scott Arts Graphics

    Sunday traditionally was a day of quietude and piety
in post-colonial New England. To this day, old customs
still prevail in many "Down East" domains. Artist
Jane Wooster Scott has chosen to paint a fine 
Sunday-after-meeting day when Spring is bursting forth 
with all her gifts. Trees are beginning to bud and bloom,
a flight of geese returns from its annual migration.
Youngsters joyously cavort after a cramped winter indoors.
    Wooster Scott has caught a perfect long-ago moment in
time. The painting is a celebration of life in an ideal
setting, combining nature's beauty with the vibrancy of
youth and wild birds on the wings. She has chosen a 
background of the three elements that make our planet
habitable - earth, sea and sky in their infinite variety.
    The mill and its pond, the lighthouse covered bridge
all were emblematic of the American landscape when 
villages pulsated with vitality, splendor and promise.
The painting beckons us to participate in this special
day and revel in its delights.


[Bullet] Limited Edition ___ 303   signed and numbered
A Hand-Signed and Numbered Serigraph


DESCRIPTION                                  Image size       PRICE    
" Sunday in New England " 16 " X 21      $450 issue                                                              plus shipping
TO ORDER CALL 1-800-435-6009

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Last modified: 03/21/09
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